September 27, 2008

An exciting time of change.

We want the change to come and yet we also want things to remain comfortable- or the same. I have been creating a lot of movement in the past year, most of it inspired by difficult times. I have to admit that it has been scary at times- putting myself “out there”.

Ultimately I think change is good.

Blogs have changed the way that we communicate with each other and it expands the connections we have with like minded individuals. Generally the blogging community is supportive and embracing of all types of folks. No matter how different you are there is someone out there like you. It is good to know that we are not alone because we are social beings. 

The point of this blog entry is: Thank you for visiting my blog, thank you to those who create their own blog and giving of your creative selves, and helping me find and share inspiration.

May 1, 2008

Design bird

acrylic paints and copper leaf capture the goldfinch (Eva-Lena Rehnmark original)

April 17, 2008

a quiet day

Well, it was quiet in the inspiration department.

I thought I would share some images from my sketchbook. These characters are my funny little birds, characters created for a little city I drew once which I may share on this blog one fine day.

Sassy bird with satchel on the way to the sweet shop.Fancy bird on her way to town, decked out in her flowered beret and cute shoes.Mamma bird looking up at the bird food.

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